Filorga Laboratories was founded in 1978 and is a pioneer and expert in anti-ageing injections and cellular biology. They are a leading player in cosmetic medicine, supplying medical devices and products to cosmetic physicians in over 60 countries.
Filorga Laboratories are rated amongst the top five cosmetic medicine laboratories in the world and they make use of a number of combined anti-ageing therapies which include medical solutions, public cosmetics and spa-and beauty salon solutions.
Filorga Product Range
The complete and essential product range includes peelings, mesotherapy and dermal fillers. The superficial peels aim to smooth wrinkles, imperfections and irregularities on the skin. Mesotherapy treatment consists of superficial polyrevitalising micro-injections to improve skin quality in a natural and progressive way.
At Tzaneen Dental Studio we offer patients all three these medical treatments with the aim of addressing each patient’s unique aesthetic needs. We also stock the home care product range for the convenience of our patients which includes both the Skin Perfusion and Medi-Cosmetique Ranges. After a consultation or treatment, the aesthetic physician will advise the patient on the product and home care procedure that they may require for their specific skin problem and to prolong the aesthetic result.
We also liaise with a somatologist in the referral of patients for further facial spa treatments, if needed.
Glykopeel is a dermatological, chemical, superficial and complete anti-ageing peeling treatment which visibly improves the cutaneous appearance of the skin without any side effect. We make use of the 50 %, 70 % and 70 % MAX glykopeels to treat wrinkles, loss of elasticity, lack of radiance of the skin, hyper pigmentation, microsystic acne and skin irregularities. The Glykopeel, created by Filorga Laboratories, has a poly-active formula which is formulated at concentrations proven to provide maximum delivery of the 18 active ingredients in the product. The unique formulation enables high efficiency in four actions namely exfoliation, protection, stimulation and correction.
The Glykopeel Procedure consists of four steps which include pre-peel, peeling itself, post-peel and an isotonic mist application. The Glykopeel programme can be carried out every five to seven days, which can be four to six times twice a year, depending on the diagnosis and indication. The procedure is safe, quick and easy with a five to 10 minute procedure time.
Contra indications for the procedure include facial herpes, retinoids, skin allergies, pregnancy, and hair removal procedures within 24 hours prior to treatment.
Dermal Fillers
We make use of Juvederm® dermal fillers in our practice. Read more about dermal fillers.
For more information about Filorga Laboratories and treatments, please visit